
Southern African 500 reached !!!!!!!!!

At the beginning of this year (2006), my Southern African life list was around 440, and I set myself the target to reach 500 before the end of the year. During June/July a trip to Botswana/Caprivi brought me into the 490s. Last week I was on 494, and hoped that a weekend to Wakkerstroom would be enough to reach my target. In my wildest dreams I would not have thought that I would come back with 15 (!!!) lifers for the weekend, pushing my list up to 509!

So my target for the year has been reached with about 3 months to spare! Now for 550 before end 2007...

A special word of thanks to my birding "mentors", Derick & Charmaine Oosthuizen who introduced me to this wonderful interest, followed my progress with enthusiasm, and went out of their way to help me reach this milestone. A toast to you!


Mystery Bird Identified

The mystery bird in the previous post has been identified as a white form of a female zebra finch. Thanks to all who have responded to my query on the SA Birdnet list.


Mystery Bird

On Sunday 2006/09/17, I noticed a "mystery" bird feeding in my garden amongst laughing doves and redheaded finches. Being slightly smaller than the redheaded finches, my first thought was that it may be an leucistic pintailed wydah, but the only clear markings does not match either the male or female, nor any other SA seadeater.

Unfortunately the photographs are not of a very good quality, as they were shot through the scope, but they are good enough to see the markings clearly.

It is all white, with a hint of a greyish tint at the head. It has a heavy, bright orange bill and bright orange legs. At the base of the bill there is a clear black line, as well as a black "tearstripe" running vertically down from each eye.

So my question to the experts are: is this an leucistic southern african bird or some or other escapee?